Learning About Nanny Shares
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Learning About Nanny Shares

Hello, my name is Jenna. Welcome to my site. When I had to go back to work, I shared my uncertainties with my friends and family. Since I had my child at the same time as my cousins and friends had their own babies, I knew I was in good company. We were all facing the same dilemma at the same time, so we decided to tackle the problem together by setting up a nanny share. We organized the child care so our kids could grow up together and enjoy the same caregiver while we were at work. My site will explore the benefits of utilizing a nanny share in great detail.


Learning About Nanny Shares

  • The Power of Preschool: Why Sending Your Toddler is Beneficial

    17 November 2023

    As a parent, you want to give your child the best start in life possible. One way to do this is by enrolling them in preschool. Although some may believe preschool is unnecessary or too expensive, the benefits are far-reaching and long-lasting. This blog post will explore the advantages of sending your toddler to preschool and show you why it is not just a luxury but an investment in their future.

  • FAQs About What Preschoolers Should Bring To Daycare

    29 June 2023

    What does your preschooler need to bring to daycare? Gone are the days when you packed a bag of diapers, wipes, bottles, and pacifiers. Now that your child is at the upper edge of the daycare age groupings, their "school bag" may need to include more than just the basics. If you're not sure what to pack for pre-k, take a look at the questions to ask right now. Does Your Child Need A Change of Clothes?

  • Child Care And Kindergarten: How Can Preschool Prepare Your Child?

    17 March 2023

    How can child care help to get your preschooler ready for kindergarten? School registration is right around the corner—and you want to make sure your child is prepared for their next educational step. Take a look at what you need to know about preschool, kindergarten readiness, and your child's development.  Is Your Child Ready To Start Kindergarten? Even though your five-year-old (or almost five-year-old) isn't ready to start elementary school right now, they still have months to grow and develop new skills.